How to Create a Good Board Meeting Agenda

If your board meeting is conducted in person or on a virtual the agenda is essential to productive discussions and decisions. Agendas for board meetings must be emailed out in advance, along together with any supporting documents, allowing for ample preparation and discussion prior the meeting. This improves efficiency and ensures that meetings are efficient and productive.

The first item on the agenda of a board meeting should be an order. This could include a welcoming from the chairperson or introductions. It could also involve reading the vision and mission statement of the organization. This is an excellent opportunity to review the meeting rules and procedure.

The next step is the approval of the previous minutes followed by the review and discussion on the committee’s current reports (e.g. governance and finance). This section should include the executive director’s or CEO’s report about the organization’s progress along with a review of its financial situation.

The bylaws of the organization or applicable laws could permit the discussion of a closed session on sensitive issues. There should also be time for guest presentations and open forums on important agenda items.

Make sure you give board members an opportunity to express any concerns or questions during each discussions. If you feel that a subject takes too much time, you can move it to the next board meeting or decide to postpone it for consideration later. When you have finished the meeting, it’s recommended to hold an open forum or discussion about new business topics that the board would like to tackle in the future. It’s also a good occasion to announce announcements or congratulate the board or celebrate the achievements of the organization.

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