Business Development and Cyber Technologies

The business development process includes the identification of new opportunities, sustaining and developing relationships with customers, creating strategic partnerships, and formulating strategies to increase profits. It impacts every department in a firm from marketing to human resources. This field is challenging because it requires constant monitoring to guard against cyberattacks that could affect systems, or even destroy them and cause data loss to businesses and organisations.

In the last 10 years cyberattacks have become more sophisticated as hackers attack more digital assets. The scope of attacks grew as bad actors aimed to earn money and make money. In the end, cybersecurity has risen to the top of the priority list of numerous companies. Implementing effective security technology is crucial for the success of your business because of the risk of losing customers, lawsuits and regulatory fines.

However, the cost of implementing cybersecurity technologies can be prohibitive for SMEs operating under tight financial constraints. This study seeks to identify the internal and external elements that affect SMEs using cybersecurity technologies. A systematic review of the URL literature was conducted, using Google Scholar and databases like EBSCO and ProQuest to identify relevant research papers. Key words like cybersecurity data breaches, threat modeling risk assessment, TOE framework, and organizational performance were used to locate studies.

This study indicates that technological characteristics and perceived usefulness are the most important factors driving the adoption of cybersecurity technology within SMEs. Additionally, IT modularity, observability, and trialability are all positively connected with the use of cybersecurity technologies in SMEs.

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